
The app that lets you connect with people you vibe with.

A new way of connecting with old and new friends

What defines a good friendship?

What defines a good friendship? The Author Kira Asatryan tries to answer that in this short article.

Section 2

Nulla facilisi. Donec dapibus, eros vel fringilla fermentum.

Section 3

Etiam aliquet sapien nec orci luctus, ac vehicula ligula consequat.

For Businesses

Advertisment on our platform is a great way to reach new customers and increase your sales. We conduct targeted marketing, meaning only users with an interest will see your ad. When we deliver ads to our users we make sure that they are relevant, interesting, and something they can do togheter. For example, we will never have ads for online shopping on our platform. But every phyisical business is welcome to advertise with us. Peoples interests are wide and we want to make sure that we can offer something for everyone.